
Nasodren®: The solution for sinusitis sufferers


A clinically proven natural treatment for sinusitis symptoms.

Nasodren® is a natural product based on Cyclamen europaeum and produced to the highest quality standards.

Nasodren® acts locally in your nose and therefore does not reach your bloodstream, thus avoiding any damage to your organs or other severe side effects.

Nasodren®, a nasal spray, is here to act against sinusitis symptoms such as sinus congestion, facial pain, headache, loss of smell; immediately improving these confining sinus problemsfrom the first application.

Use Nasodren® once a day: Breathe the difference and get 24h sinus relief

Nasodren® has been studied in 29 clinical trials(1) with the results published in numerous relevant scientific journals. Moreover, it has been endorsed by more than 2 million people around the world.

Sinusitis in Australia

There are currently more than three million chronic sinusitis sufferersin Australia who are generally wrongly treated due to the similarity of their symptoms with those of a lingering common cold.

But what happens when that common cold never goes away, and nasal congestion, headache and facial pain remain for weeks? The answer is probably sinusitis. Sinus… what? Sinusitis: a sinus inflammation that blocks your nose and prevents you from breathing normally, affecting your daily life.

Acute sinusitis affects more than 400,000 people in Australia at least once a year. “It’s like living a never ending cold!” is how most sufferers describe the sensation.

Now you can get an effective safe product for your sinusitis! Nasodren® has been specially developed, with expert advice from some of the best ENT specialists, for sinusitis sufferers who are tired of trying all kinds of different products without obtaining an efficient solution. Nasodren® is available without prescription at Australian pharmacies.


Web: www.nasodren.net.au
Media contact: [email protected]

About Hartington:

Nasodren® is a product of Hartington Pharma LTD, a company founded on the highest standards of innovation and excellence in 1996, dedicated to biotechnological research, specialized in the development and production of products derived from natural substances that aim to improve people’s quality of life. www.hartington.org

(1) Nasodren® electronic book 2012, chapter 4