
Andropeyronie Study Demonstrates Successful Peyronie’s Disease Management

Andromedical’s study saw 55 patients undergo PTT for six months – between January 2009 and October 2011 – compared with 41 patients with AP of PD who did not receive active treatment, over the same period.More than eight doctors from the Urology and Radiology departments of three leading Spanish hospitals took part in the trial, which saw penile traction therapy (PTT) applied via a penile extender device (PED), called Andropeyronie, for the treatment of patients in the acute phase (AP) of Peyronie’s disease (PD).

The study – whose objective was to determine the effectiveness and safety of the use of a PED – was able to conclude that “PTT seems an effective treatment for the AP of PD in terms of pain reduction, penile curvature decrease, and improvement in sexual function.”

Peyronie’s disease (PD) is a chronic wound healing disorder characterised by formation of fibrous inelastic scar of the tunica albuginea following trauma of the penis and causing a variety of deformities including curvature, shortening, narrowing, and hinge defect.

It is associated with a variable degree of erectile dysfunction (ED), which significantly affects the quality of life of the patient and is a condition that represents a challenge to manage.

For the full details of the study and its findings, please download the paper, here:



About Andromedical

Andromedical is a medical company for urology services and masculine sexuality headquartered in Madrid, Spain with offices in New York City. It was founded in 2000, after four years of clinical and medical research with the collaboration of its CEO, Doctor Eduardo A. Gómez de Diego, and his patients.

Andromedical lab has a portfolio of medical devices to treat erectile dysfunction, penis enlargement, Peyronie´s disease and post-surgery penile retraction and also offers erection quality monitors.

Andromedical operates at a global level, selling its products in over more than 165 countries. It has acquired a high level of specialisation that makes it a market leader thanks to its main competitive advantage; Certified Medical Quality: which assures the effectiveness and safety of its products.


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