
The EBS Board of Education Gains Two More World Class Bartenders


They’ve managed to secure two incredibly talented professionals, Marian Beke – A World class bartender and bar manager at the legendary Nightjar and Björn Kjellberg – A World known Tequila Maestro and expert educator for industries across the globe.

The latest additions will be working closely with the current board members to help explore, develop and achieve the highest level of bar training for EBS students across the globe. The latest additions to EBS were introduced at the annual global conference; an opportunity for everyone to brush up on the latest trends in the bartending industry. Marian Beke and Björn Kjellberg hosted masterclasses for all of the school instructors on specialised areas as a first step to implement their knowledge into the EBS educational programmes.

EBS commented that they are ‘absolutely delighted to have both Marian and Björn on the board of Education as the potential that the pair can offer [their] students is huge.’ Björn will predominantly focus on the four-week international course, the history of spirits and instructor training – making sure EBS are able to provide the highest level of training possible. When asked about he will be bringing to the four week course he commented that: ‘I am most excited to broaden the horizons and perception of what a cocktail service can be. By knowing your classics, your history and heritage of your spirit there really is no limit as to where you can take your craft, your cocktail making or your ambitions.’

Marian will focus on the advanced courses and intensive training for expert bartenders. Plus, Marian will be bringing his ‘cocktail genius’ to the bar once more to help rewrite classic cocktails with a unique EBS twist. When asked about this upcoming project Marian said: ‘I’m on the board for creating the biggest advance course in the world, it comes with pressure but a great excitement too.’

The two will work closely with the current board of education: Johannes Kinch a ten times Swedish Champion and Tom Dyer, A World Flair Champion. This doubles the Board of Education and the potential of the troop. Tom Dyer comments that ‘the level of knowledge, experience and imagination between us is limitless – it’s a really exciting time for everyone.’ Johannes Kinch added to Tom’s comments, exclaiming that: ‘We are looking forward to watching our level of education rise once more and to see where the combined efforts of this fantastic board of education will take our future students.’

More information on Marian and Björn and the rest of the board of education can be found on the EBS website, barschool.net, under ‘our staff’ section. The board of education will be developing the EBS training programme drastically throughout the next couple of months, offering the coming EBS students the best bartender training possible and taking EBS to new heights in the industry.

Discover EBS in 3 minutes, watch video: http://vimeo.com/68309937


Name: Ray Slater Berry 
Position: Campaign Manager
Number: +34933905426
Email: [email protected]

Download images, here: http://www.barschool.net/about-ebs/ebs-media-centre/

EBS website: www.barschool.net