
School Staff Learns from NCKU’s Fight against Dengue

The two seminars for university level and high school level, respectively, cover a briefing of dengue prevention management, site investigation and demonstration, and group discussion.

NCKU President Huey-Jen Jenny Su said, “NCKU has dealt with an outbreak of dengue fever on campus since early August and an on-going campaign against dengue to engage communities against dengue has proven effective.”

As a renowned public health expert Sue said, “For the last almost two months, I was patrolling around the campus for environmental inspection and presided over regular meetings with administrative staff to coordinate and manage the dengue epidemic.”

NCKU coordinated with the communities and local government took the initiative to launch a dengue prevention campaign which proved to be effective. The Ministry of Education (MOE) advised NCKU to provide other schools its experience and measures in controlling and preventing dengue fever outbreak.

In the seminar, NCKU Secretary General Yung-Nane Yang, Vice President of General Affairs Chyan-Deng Jan, Director of Health Center Nai-Ying Ko, and Prof. Tzen-Yuh Chiang of life sciences talked about their experience in terms of operation management, biological control of dengue vectors, work distribution and health advocacy, etc.

Yang emphasized that personal protection and environmental management of mosquitoes are crucial in dengue fever prevention.

He also mentioned that Su has personally overseen the progress of the campaign and on her lead all members from the nine colleges of NCKU mobilize to fight dengue.

According to Chiang, the primary preventative measure to reduce dengue infections is the control of mosquito populations and for better and more environmental friendly management of dengue mosquito populations, we use Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) to treat dengue endemic sites on campus.

All the participants were divided into five groups for field exercise to investigate and observe how the NCKU team deals with the breeding sites.

The staff from Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology said that he was so impressed by NCKU’s efforts to keep the school away from the possible threats of dengue.


National Cheng Kung University
Sonia Chuang, +886-6-275-7575 Ext. 50042
NCKU News Center

[email protected]